
Edition 47

In this edition 47 of the MelakaStreetMap, we present  the first loop of our riverwalk starting from RC Hotel towards the core zones of the UNESCO World Heritage sites. And looking picture-perfect on our cover is none other than this beautiful boutique hotel , standing stately in a class of its own churning new waves for tourism in Melaka.



Edition 46

The Melaka Street Map is now in its 14th year of publication. We would like to thank all our advertisers who have contributed towards the success of this publication.

Melaka Street Map is your walking guide, it shows you how best to go about your tour, tell you the places you visit making your trip a little more enjoyable and our infographics and storytelling articles have been differentiating this tourism publication.

In this edition, we feature Macau Gallery located in Bukit Peringgit, showcasing the historical link between Macau and Malacca under the Portuguese in the 16th century.